Should we recall the devastating impact of the health crisis we are going through? His deaths, the staggering cost to the economy (between 8.1 and 15.8 trillion dollars according to the World Economic Forum), the collateral damage?
As a reminder, the death rates per 100,000 inhabitants for the 10 most affected countries are as follows according to Johns Hopkins University and in mid-November 2020:
All this makes us forget the other scourges that ravage the planet, including pollution whose impact on public health is otherwise devastating. For comparison, the lethality of pollution for the 10 most affected countries is estimated as follows by the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution Institute (GAHP : see here), with an estimated 8.3 million deaths per year.
If only we could now proportionally deploy as many efforts to resolve this tragedy, which has been going on for well over 10 months, and which is set to continue, can we imagine in what wonderful world the next generations could live? Is it impossible? But hey, it's less media attractive, less visible because for the most part, far from home.
In the meantime, according to the hummingbird legend recounted by Pierre Rabhi, the Mangrove Foundation is doing its part of the job, and the United States will soon reinstate the climate agreement, however imperfect it may be.